Monday, February 3, 2014

Coach's Corner: The Main Thing Is Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing

There is a big difference between your "to do" list and your "to be" list. 

It is very easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by how much there is to get to done. On the other hand, it is clear and simple when it comes to thinking about what matters most to you in life. Your core beliefs and values shape the qualities and characteristics needed to become a huge success. There isn't a single day (yes, including your weekends) that you should ever miss internalizing the principles and values which are the foundation for all your future success and prosperity. 

Ironically, as you keep those things that matter most in mind, your to-do list begins to prioritize in the most magical way. Time management is nothing more than "priority" management. Keeping your mind active by thoughts and images of the main thing, inspires greater action on those things which matter most. I'm not saying those actions are all going to be easy, but because you hold greater meaning to these actions, you are able to push through and make them happen. 

Is that scheduling a series of outside talks or screenings?
Is that talking powerful and efficient Tic at every adjustment?
Is that preparing to give highly inspiring and effective team trainings?
Is that learning to use your voice more influentially in your report of findings?

This week, recognize that all stimuli in your environment are either bringing you closer or further away from your main thing. Notice when you are getting pulled away or distracted by something that has little or no meaning to your future success, and instantly change your focus on to something which drives more passion and purpose. Only then, can you move forward with the clarity and confidence which is responsible for all big practice growth.

Until next time...Practice with passion.
Coach CJ

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