Monday, March 3, 2014

Coach's Corner: The Red Pill

The Red Pill

When I was in second grade, a large Russian women showed up at school and frightened the day lights out of us. She said, “If you don't brush, they will rot!!". Then we walked into room with little sinks, and given a little red pill to put into our mouths. 

“Chew. Chew. Brush until the red is gone!!". Of course, I brushed so hard my gums started bleeding, and made the red in my mouth even worse. From that day on, I was convinced to brush and floss my teeth everyday.

This is how the dental profession used a grass roots movement to teach children at an early age to follow proper dental hygiene for a lifetime. Two questions: how many children in your town will still be visiting a dentist when they are 25 years old? How many of them will be receiving chiropractic check-ups at 25 years old? The power of your patient education can be measured by how many children receive a chiropractic check-up each month in your practice. 

The real question is whether you feel your practice is the headquarters of a movement in your town. Your little red pill should be a story of the depleting healing power in the body due to the stress of life. The restoration of the optimal levels of this power is possible through  a specific chiropractic check-up. Every man, woman and child should be making a priority out of scheduling their own check-up as soon as possible. This week, lead with a purpose-driven initiative to turn your story into a steady stream of check-ups in your schedule book. This is your opportunity to to start the movement and expand the consciousness of chiropractic beyond symptoms into a lifetime of spinal and neurologial health.

Until next time...Practice with passion.

Coach CJ